Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We've Reached A Milestone!!

I'm sure as it is for us, this milestone is a huge deal to all parents. Darek has started holding his bottle on his own!!!! I love it when babies can start doing this on their own. It helps free up so much extra time. Darek started trying to hold his bottle a few weeks ago, but it would only last for a few seconds and then he'd drop it. But now he'll actually take the bottle from us and put it in his mouth. I love it! He looks so big doing it, but it's do dang cute watching this tiny little guy do something so big. So here are some pictures of my "big boy"!


Tammy said...

That's awesome Mandi, I love it when thay are able to do that. He is so cute. I just love that boy.

Hayley Winslow said...

Bray won't even do that. He will do it AFTER he's done drinking, sut he just thinks it's a game. He pretneds to put it in his mouth then starts laughing. Oh well. He is my baby so if I need to feed him his bottle, will do.

Hayley Winslow said...

Sorry for all my poorly spelled words in my comment. Maybe I should read through things before I post, eh?

Randi said...

So I have been missing from the blogging world for a while but I hopped on and this cught my eye.... I can't wait for the day. Don't get me wrong I love holding my baby. But sometimes I just can't with my monkey drawing on walls, carpet, etc... Eating who knows what. And playing with nail clippers. Truly I am happy for you. I will hop on and read your blog in the next bit. I need to catch up like a months worth.