I am so happy it finally feels like Spring! Today I sat at work and watched as every customer came in and commented about the beautiful weather outside. So after I got off at 4:00, I headed home with the determination to play outside during the evening. As soon as I got home, Alex and I went out back and blew bubbles for a good half hour. Then we packed up our baseball gear, soccer ball, and a picnic and took it down to the park. We spent the next hour or so playing together in the beautiful weather. It was absolutely wonderful! Here are just a few photos of Alex and Ryan playing soccer together at the park.
YAY for great weather!!!
I know what you mean. Anna's skin is already turning brown and mine is a pinkish-white. That's my kind of tan! We've been doing the same thing. Eating outside, walking, playing. We went to a new park and the kids played with some new kids. Ty even shared his bike. That's a big step. It must be the spring-time air. LOVE IT!
I'm glad the weather is finally good for you guys! Whenever I talk to my relatives out there and they tell me it's snowing, I feel oh so guilty telling them it's 70-80 degrees here in California
I know it was so nice over the weekend, but dang it, it's raining and snowing today, what the heck, what a tease, lol :)
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