Monday, May 5, 2008

A Sweet Moment

Alex has a little bit of a hard time with bad dreams. Of course his idea of a bad dream is when in his dream he wants to do something and we tell him no. It sounds awful to say this, but I'm so happy that that is all his bad dreams consist of. I know they are sad to him, but I love that his mind is still so innocent and he doesn't realize some of the bad things in this world. Anyway... so last night he woke up from a bad dream. He asked me how he could get rid of his bad dream. I told him to think of happy things like our trip to Disneyland, or getting a new baby in our family. That seemed to calm him down a little. But then, in his sweet little voice, he asked if saying a prayer would help. I told him it absolutely would! So he said the sweetest little prayer right there in bed. He went right back to sleep and didn't wake up again during the night. This morning when he got up, I asked him if that prayer helped. He told me in a very excited voice that it had. I love Alex so much and learn from my little boy every day!


Tammy said...

Very Cute Story Mandi! Way to go Alex. Hey you need to think of a dr. name for yourself for girls camp then you can come down and use the cricut to do yours.

Ryan and Mandi said...

Ok, I'll try to think of one. I'm sure I can come up with something good.

Hayley Winslow said...

The kids did great this trip. They played pretend EVERYTHING and had a blast. I was impressed at how well they did through the graduation. I think the adults were more disruptive than the kids.

Anonymous said...

We sure miss all of you...