Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Annoyed With Stupid People

Okay, so the stupid people are some Moms and kids we came across at IKEA today. When we got to IKEA, we went right upstairs to have lunch. We sat down at a table and started eating. Next to us, there was a table of 4-5 Moms. Between them, they probably had 8-9 kids. All the kids were playing in an area close by. Soon after we sat down, a little girl came over and started talking at us. Alex and I had cookies on our plates. She leaned over the table, grabbed my cookie and said, "MY COOKIE!" I told her that it wasn't and to please put it down. She did it several times after that, all with the table of Moms looking at us. She started to climb into my cart and push it (with Darek still in it). I told her to leave the cart where it was. The little girl kept commenting on how cute Darek was and had to point out his brown skin, brown ears, etc. I told her she was right. As she said that, one of the boys said, "Yeah, because he has brown skin, he's going to have to sit in the back of the bus." I told him he was very wrong about that. He also commented to Alex that he could not play on their team because he wasn't one of their friends. Sooo... what do I do? Being the nice person I am, I didn't say anything to the Moms, but now I'm really regretting it. I should've said something to them about educating their children. Comments like that shouldn't be said by anyone. The thing that bugs me is where they heard it from. Anyway, I'm just annoyed after that incident today. We ate as quickly as we could and walked around the store. I'm sure it won't be the last of those comments Darek or I hear, but it makes me angry that parents don't correct behavior like this.

Ok, I'm done. Thanks for letting me vent.


Amy said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! People are SO stupid! I think you were so nice to not say anything!

Clover said...

I'd like to think that they were just too embarrassed by what their kids where saying to do anything. And then, I'd like to think that they talked to their kids about being more polite on the drive home.

Ryan and Mandi said...

That's a good way to think about it. I sure hope that's how things went. I have a really hard time believing it, but I'll try to be positive!

John and Jenna Gensic said...

I just found your blog through another one I follow.

I would be annoyed too. It's infuriating to think that this kind of prejudice still exists. It's so hard to combat it too. I have to hope that little positive influences here and there in our own families will trickle out and make a difference somewhere.

John and Jenna Gensic said...

We are glad those kids at least heard something differently from you.

By the way, your kids are beautiful!


Beth and Chad said...

These are the times when I wonder how we are sisters, because, as you know, I TOTALLY would have said something. And it would have been TOTALLY mean! I would have said something even though they aren't my kids. OOOHHH....
Thank goodness you are the one whe was blessed with patience and understanding- I have A LOT to learn from you.

Allen said...

Wow.... How unfortunate, but you are the better person!!! Send them over my way and I will set them straight!!!!