Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day

I'll make this one short (I'm a little tired of blogging). We went up to the Eaglewood Golfcourse for the fireworks on the 3rd. My cousin, Leslie, was able to come up with us this year. She has moved here from California and is attending BYU, so it'll be fun to see her a little more often now. There were a lot of the blow up obstacle courses to play on and fun music to dance to. It was a relaxing evening and we all had a lot of fun! As usual, here are some pics of the evening.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

1 comment:

Hayley Winslow said...

I remember going to the 3rd celebration. Wish we'd been there. We had fun on the 4th, but just to have everyone together on one of the smaller holidays would be fun.