Friday, February 22, 2008

More pictures of my nephew

I borrowed these off of my brothers web site, since I'm not there to take any pictures of him myself. So here are a couple more pictures of my new nephew Kevin.
He sure has a sweet little smile. I hope I'll get to meet him before he's too old. It always amazes me how different children can look coming from the same parents.
And just a side note, we got an xbox 360 last night along with Rock Band and scene it. I'm trying to get some people over tonight to have a fun little party. We played a little Rock Band last night, and can I just say.... I totally stink at the drums. I have no coordination at all with them. I guess I'll learn.


Koreena said...

Kevin is adorable! Congrats on getting a new nephew! Being an aunt (even long distance) is so great! I hope you get to meet him in person soon.

Ryan and Mandi said...

I hope so too. I've only been able to see Aaron's other kids a couple times, which is sad. Hopefully when we are all filthy rich (ha ha) we will be able to see each other more often.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have to agree that he's pretty adorable, too. You know, we really miss everybody; I can't wait until we're filthy rich, so that we can visit you guys, too.