Friday, September 12, 2008

Birthday Presents

Ryan decided to get The Office, season 4 with some of his birthday money! Woo Hoo! We love The Office! While we were out shopping, we came across a DVD/CD of New Kids on the Block greatest hits. So that has become an early birthday present for me!! Ha ha! I can't wait to watch it. I know I'm gonna laugh all the way through those videos! Anyone want to come over and laugh with me??


Holly said...

Oh my heck, you know I am there! That's so funny! So how much was Season 4 of the Office? I am hoping since it was a short season they will cut us a break on the price... but I am doubtful.

Ryan and Mandi said...

Not much. It was 39.99 at Target. I'm guessing that's how much it'll be everywhere. We're looking to buy all of the Lost seasons and even season 1 is still 49 bucks. I'm gonna try off Amazon. They seem to be a little better there.

Beth and Chad said...

I want to come watch the NKOTB thing with you....I wish I lived closer to you!

Patty R said...

You got the right stuff, lol