Friday, August 29, 2008


There isn't too much to report at this point. Ryan left very early Thursday morning. It was very hard to see him off, but it won't be too long before I get to see him again. Luckily the family we are staying with are very nice and the kids are very entertaining! They have 3 children, ages 8, 5, and 4 months. Avery, the 5 year old reminds me so much of Alex. In some ways it makes me miss him more and more, but it's also nice to get a little dose of a 5 year old :) Darek is doing great!! He is eating more and more each day. He'll probably have gained a whole pound by the time I get home. Ian is still in the hospital, of course. I went and spend a couple hours with him today. He is stable and is really working towards getting off that vent. I'm hoping he'll accomplish that before I leave next Thursday. I'm a little too lazy to post pictures right now. I'll try later tonight if I can, but thought I'd update everyone for now!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Glad to hear things are well. So nice to hear your voice today! I miss you guys! All three of ya!