So I was thinking how unfair it is that they didn't really have blogs and such when Alex was a baby. I've been looking at my friends cute sites with their kids awesome pictures. So I thought, hey, why can't I do that now. I got some of Alex's pictures throughout different stages in his life. Obviously, I've only picked out a handful of them. I have hundreds of others I could use, but it would probably take a good portion of my life to upload them all. Looking at his pictures, I can't help but think back to all these different times in his life, how fun they were but how fast they went by. He has been such a sweet kid from the beginning, and even though there are things that I miss, each stage seems to get even more fun than the last. So here are some ADORABLE pictures of our sweet little Alex from birth up to a few weeks ago.
Alex at 5 weeks old
First trip to California at 4 months old. (I know, he looks like he's 8 or 9 months old.)
First Christmas (9 months old)
1st Birthday, messy cake face
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
4 years old (this past Christmas)Well, there's Alex's life in a nut shell. It's so fun to look back at all of the memories. I'm going to see if I can find any videos from when he was a baby, that I can post. Anyway, hope you enjoyed them.
This is so cute. Alex is such a sweet kid. Nice blog :)
I love looking at Alex's pictures! What a sweet chunk! He has been such a cutie through all the stages of his life! Keep posting pictures and such, it doesn't matter if they are current or not, baby pictures make everyone happy!
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