I have a few moments from Disneyland that I want to share, but there is one great moment that was very touching.
For those who know us, Disney and Disneyland has a very big place in our hearts. So one thing I really wanted to get for Darek and Ian at Disneyland were their own Mickey ears. Of course with them being so small, none of the ears at Disneyland would fit them. Even the "newborn" size were twice the size of Darek's head. My sister, Bethany, came up with a brilliant idea to go to the Build A Bear store in Downtown Disney to see if they had ears there. Turns out that they did. They came with a little t-shirt that has Mickey Mouse on it and says Disneyland. We tried the ears out on Darek, and they actually fit. So we bought two sets, one for each of the boys.

After buying the ears, it was really important to have their names embroidered on the back. So I went into one of the stores and asked if they could do it. They said that the embroider machines they have can only be used on the ears they sell because of the size of the ears. They suggested I try a store on Main Street that does specialty embroidery. They said it would cost $7.00 for each pair. But that was worth it to me.
I took the ears to that store and spoke to the man working there. I showed the ears to him. He said that they are not supposed to embroider anything that wasn't bought at Disneyland, just in case it was ruined. I told him how important this was to me and told him about Ian. He let me know that it may not work, and the machine could ruin the ears. I told him I understood and would take the chance. He did Darek's ears first....
They turned out perfectly so he went on and did Ian's...

I was so happy with the way they turned out, it brought tears to my eyes. As I went to pay him, he told me that he would need to charge $7.00 for Darek's ears, but that they do not charge for angels. Of course, being the person I am, I burst into tears (as well as my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and even my dad I think). I asked if I could give him a hug. He came out from behind the counter and gave me a huge hug. I thanked him again and again for breaking the rules and doing such an amazing job. He told me that he can't always say that he is happy to come into work, but that he was so happy to be at work that day. I will never forget this wonderful man. And I will probably write Disney to let them know about this situation.
It's reasons like this that we continue to go back to Disneyland (and give them all our money) :)
Thank heavens for wonderful people in this world. Thank you for sharing that story Mandi, I'm sitting in my office bawling like a baby, and am so grateful to know there are people like that around us.
There are truly special people in this world. I'm glad you were able to find one at Disneyland. The ears look awesome!!!!
Your story brought tears to my ears! I can not imagine what you must be going through, but to have someone, a complete stranger, do something so selfless, it's amazing. Your little Ian is a true angel, and the ears are absolutely perfect!
Your children are absolutely beautiful!
Thank you for sharing your experiences, your family has been a definate inspiration to mine!
Thank you for sharing this awesome story, I got teary eyed. Your little angel is watching over you, waiting to reunite with his family :)
Disneyland truly is magical. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us all. I need a tissue after that one.
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