I LOVE CLEARANCE! I have scored some awesome deals in the past few weeks and I just wanted to say how much I love it! I just got Alex's main birthday present (an Air Hockey table) for $17.48 today! It's awesome to be able to give someone a $20.00 gift and only have spent $5.00 on it! Especially when you don't have a lot of money to spend. It really makes your dollar go far... very far!
Alex got in the car yesterday after school. He was carrying a little purple bag. I asked what the bag was all about. He said a girl named Annika gave it to him at school. I asked what was in it. He said he hadn't had a chance to look inside it yet. So he opened the bag, took the "stuffing" out and looked inside. His face got pretty red. He pulled out a little heart and a note. He opened the note and said, "Oh.. my.. gosh!" So me being the nosy Mom I am asked what it said. "It says, To Alex From Annika. I love you." At this point he was giggling nervously, smiling and completely red in the face. I asked if he knew that she "loved" him and he said he had NO IDEA! I asked him if he liked her and his reply was, "I like her, but only as a friend." I teased him like crazy about it. I had to tell Daddy, Grandpa and Grandma so they could all tease him too. I love this point in a kids life. All the little boyfriend/girlfriend situations. It's so cute!
A lot of thoughts and reflections on Alex lately. We are nearing his 8th birthday and I'm getting very sentimental. He is getting baptized in early April and it's so hard to believe that it's already time for this. I swear we still had a couple years before this happened. He can't wait to start scouts. We had a meeting this past Sunday to go over what to expect with the baptism and talk a little about scouts. He gets so giddy when you talk about it with him. I'm very grateful that our ward does baptisms on a ward level so that he isn't baptized with a whole bunch of kids he doesn't know. He happens to be the only one getting baptized in our ward that day, so we get to plan the whole program. I am excited about this and we've been talking about who will be giving talks and saying prayers. Some of it he doesn't care all that much about, but he has been very specific on other things. We've already planned out his birthday too. He wanted his party at Chuck E Cheese this year, so we have that booked and are deciding who to invite. I'm also letting him have a late night/sleepover with those that we can't invite to Chuck E Cheese. He is spoiled rotten, but eh... he deserves it!
I cut Darek's hair last night. I meant to leave some of it so that he wasn't completely bald in the winter time, but it didn't work out. So he's a cute little bald boy again. He looks so old without hair. But still just as adorable!
Oh my goodness, I love my nephews!
I love your nephews too! They are pretty dang cute! :)
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