Friday, August 5, 2011

Waiting, Waiting and More Waiting

So even though I have a few other things to post about (like our trip to the Grand Canyon), I have to let off a little steam. I'll start off by saying... I am NOT a patient person when it comes to planning my future. I like to have an idea of what is going on and when it will all take place. When we moved in my parents basement, we were going to be here 2 years tops! Hahahaha.... 6 years later. It has totally killed me not going by "the plan". Not to say it hasn't been wonderful. We owe a lot to my parents for letting us stay here. We have been able to finish school, with no school debt at all! We have been able to adopt our boys, which would not have been possible at all if we were not living here! And many more blessings have come from us being here.

But it is time to move on. Ryan is DONE with school!!!! So we've applied for a few jobs. There is really nothing extremely close to here, which honestly, is perfectly fine with us. We actually prefer to move out of state, although that may not happen. At this point, we've applied for an MRI position in Idaho Falls. This position has been open since July 1st. It still has not closed. And if it doesn't close, they cannot interview for the position. I was told it should close soon, but that was a week ago, so we're really not holding our breath on this one. The other job we applied for is one in Logan. This is a Rad tech job, so not exactly what Ryan wants to do and not quite as much money. But it's still something he loves and will be happy to do if he gets the job. This one was only open a couple days, so there is more hope on this one.

It has been difficult trying to figure out what the best plan for our family is. Alex is not thrilled with the idea of moving, but is not totally opposed to it either. The more we talk about it, the better the idea becomes to him. Darek doesn't understand what is going on and I'm sure he'll adapt well when we do finally move. I'm so excited at the thought of having our own place again. It has been way too long and it will be nice to have more space. We are thinking that once we finally do settle down somewhere, we can finally focus on finishing our family. I'm not getting any younger, after all. :) It's hard to have all of these things up in the air right now. I hope it is all short lived and we'll get answers soon.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Hopefully we'll get some good news soon that we'll be able to share with everyone!


Jenn said...

Best of luck! I know it's hard waiting, but I'm sure everything will turn out great :)

Ryan and Mandi said...

Thanks Jenn! It is hard to wait. And I know that it will turn out well, no matter what happens. I just want "it" to happen sooner, rather than later! :)