Saturday, October 2, 2010

So Behind!

September is always filled with many, many celebrations. This September has been no exception. I feel extremely bad that I haven't blogged about so many of those celebrations. So this post will have to be a quick summary of some of these events.

Sept 9th - Ryan celebrated his 32nd birthday! As adults, birthdays don't seem to mean nearly as much as they used to... which makes me sad. Ryan is fine with it and never wants a huge deal made out of his birthday. We celebrated with cake and ice cream and he got some fun gaming presents.

Sept 17th - My cute little nephew, Gryn, was born! We were able to go down and visit him in the hospital and then at home for a few days. It was so much fun and he is the cutest little guy! I'm pretty sure I'm already his favorite person... ok, maybe I come in 3rd behind his Mom and Dad. :) I'm so happy for my sister and my brother-in-law. I love them so much and couldn't be happier for them. I have some cute pictures that I will post later. But I cannot wait to see all of them again (soon)!

Sept 22nd - This was a pretty big date for us. Ryan and I celebrated our 10th anniversary! That's right.... 10th!!! I think this is a huge accomplishment for anyone. As it usually is for us, we were both busy on the actual day, so we had to put of celebrating. My parents were kind enough to babysit our kids for the weekend and we went up to Park City for 2 nights. We stayed at the Silver King (which is where we spent our 1st anniversary) and relaxed all weekend long. I cannot tell you how wonderful it was and how quickly it went by. It was so nice to have that time alone with Ryan and really enjoy each other with no other distractions. When I think about these past 10 years, I'm amazed at how quickly they've flown by. I love Ryan so much! He is an amazing Husband and Father. He is kind and gentle and so loving. I can't imagine anyone more perfect for me than him. I look back at our wedding pictures and see how young we were. Our love was strong then, but with each year it has grown stronger and deeper. Thank you for these amazing 10 years Ryan! I can't wait to see what the next 10 bring!

Sept 29th - This was my golden birthday! I turned 29 on the 29th! And once again, Ryan and I hardly saw each other on my birthday. It was all just fine though. My parents went out to dinner with me and the kids and I got some wonderful gifts! I have some incredible friends that visited me and wished me a happy birthday and brought over some gifts. I felt very loved and incredibly lucky! We had planned to go to Lagoon today to 'celebrate' my birthday. But Darek had an incident that made us postpone those plans. We might go tomorrow (that's right, everyone get out their judging notebooks and write this one down) since Ryan and I hardly see each other to do anything together. We'll see.... Even if it doesn't work out, I know that I am loved and I am grateful for all those wonderful people in my life that remind me of how lucky I truly am.

Well those are the major celebrations for September. We had a whole bunch of other stuff that went on, but I'm too tired to even think about all of it right now. Hopefully October will be a little calmer so that I can enjoy it a little more. :)

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