Friday, October 29, 2010


I have been doing daycare now for just over 2 years. WOW! Crazy that it's been that long! It has been a lot of fun watching all these cute little kids and watching them grow up. I was just thinking of some random things today regarding my experiences with daycare. So here they are:

-I love that it allows me to be home with my kids.
-It has helped me realize how many kids I will be able to handle as a mom. This number is somewhere between 4 and 6.
-I figured out that I really need a little girl that is 5 years old.
-There are days that I know if I hear the theme songs to iCarly, Dora, SpongeBob, or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse one more time.... I will throw a rock (or something else that will do some damage) right through my TV.
-I love feeling like I'm (hopefully) making a difference, or at least making a positive lasting impression on these kids.
-There are days where I want to go in my room and lock the door.
-There are days when it really makes me sad when kids go home.
-I really think I would be a great foster mom.
-I wish I had more space for the kids to play.
-I love when the weather is nice and we can all play outside!
-When we move, we WILL have a big backyard!
-It is almost certain that my family will have twice to three times the amount of colds/flu.
-The getting sick part really sucks, especially with a kid that was a preemie baby.
-I take lots of vitamin C!
-Sometimes I feel like I'm taking my time away from Alex and Darek.
-Then I realize that I would be working out of the home and would be away a lot if I weren't doing daycare.
-It's so fun to listen to kids play pretend and imagine.
-I really wish that I still had that kind of imagination.
-Taking 7 kids to the grocery store isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I've only done this once, so I'm sure my experience next time won't be nearly as easy.
-Surprisingly, all the kids I've had are really good kids. The only problem with this is that it really makes me want to have more kids REALLY BAD.
-If I ever do have to go find a job or we move far away, it will break my heart to leave these kids.

So there is some randomness for ya. I really am grateful the "job" that I have. It has been fun, frustrating, rewarding, exhausting and humbling. I am grateful to the Moms that have trusted me with their children. I know sometimes I don't take that to heart. But when I think about who I would trust to take care of my kids, very few people would be on that list. So I am truly honored.


Koreena said...

You took 7 kids to the store? By yourself?! I bow down to you!

*Star said...

Great list Mandi! :) I think you would make an awesome foster parent. Since your parents have done it you already know that it can be very difficult, yet rewarding. As a mother to 7 kids currently I can tell you that you got lucky if it was easy. Having taken 7 kids to the store lots of times I think I've only had it not be too hard twice!
There are days that I totally love being a foster parent and then there are days when Kaden and Richelle are fighting and Kaden asks me when are they are going home? Those days I worry about the time and energy I'm taking away from my other kids.
Your list made me laugh as I realized I have a lot of these same thoughts and feelings. :)