Thursday, November 11, 2010

Good and Bad

I've waited a while to get this posted, but it is something I wanted to mention. So a few weeks ago, Ryan told me that there was a Rad Tech PRN position available to apply for. There have been a few of these in the past and we have kinda passed them by. After talking about it, I told him to go ahead and apply and we'd figure things out if he got the job. Let me explain... A PRN position is an "on-call" position. That means, 1. No scheduled hours (possibly no income) 2. Because there are no scheduled hours, he does not qualify for benefits. 3. The only way to get hours is if someone takes vacation, is sick, etc.

So with all that being said, why do it??? I have gotten this question from a few people. Here are a few reasons... 1. He will have to start at the bottom at some point. Better to get it over with now. 2. When he does get hours, he makes A LOT more than what he was making. 3. It gives him the experience he will need to get the part-time and full-time jobs when they come available.

This has been a very scary step to take. We have cut as many bills as we can and have put ourselves on a very strict budget. My original thought was to go out and get a job. But there were so many things to figure out if we did that. Especially concerning our kids. So we've decided for now to wait a few months to see how things go and hope we can make it. Our kids will have to be ok with not having much of a Christmas this year. The scariest thought for me is the lack of insurance. Luckily, Darek will always be covered. But Alex is not and Ryan and I are not. We'll see how things go.

Ryan is very lucky to have a lot of people at work looking out for him. As soon as he got this position, someone offered him work all of next week. So he'll get around 34 hours just next week. He is very loved at his job and is very good at it. We have faith that all will work out. We don't doubt for one second the decision we made. It's scary, but sometimes you have to take the scary road instead of the safe one. Hopefully there will be a big pot of gold waiting at the end of our road! :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I totally hear ya--we're on our own scary road right now with our own business and no insurance benefits, but like you guys we feel good about it and know that it will take us to where we want to be eventually. Meanwhile we're learning and growing A LOT and we're realizing what is most important (not the money or possessions!) and we're constantly seeing the Lord's hand at work in our lives. I'm sure you guys will too! :) Good luck!!