Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another Baby....

But it's not mine. We found out about a month ago that my sister Bethany is pregnant! This is her first baby and we are so happy for her and my brother-in-law Chad! They waited a little while to tell everyone they were pregnant, so we didn't have to wait long to find out what the gender of the baby is. They have come up here the past 3 weekends. The first two were hard because we wanted to shop for the baby, but couldn't do much yet. Even though they were only 17 weeks when they came up this past weekend, they found out she was far enough along to find out the gender. They booked a session at Fetal Fotos and invited us to come with them to see the baby. We all kept it a surprise for my Mom and Dad. We all watched with amazement as this tiny little baby moved and kicked up on the tv screen. This was the first ultrasound Alex had ever been to in person and he loved every minute of it. When it came time to see the baby "parts", we were told to turn our heads.... even Beth and Chad. After the tech got the shots she needed, she put the "parts" pictures in an envelope that Beth and Chad would open while we all went out to eat. On our way to the restaurant, we took .50 bets on whether it was a boy or girl. I think we've all secretly hoped for a girl just because boys dominate our family. There are 8 boys and only 2 girl grandkids. The youngest girl is now 3 years old. But there was a definite split with the votes. Beth said boy, Chad said girl. Ryan and I both voted boy, but Alex said girl. Finally at the restaurant, Beth opened the envelope, looked at the picture and laughed. She handed it off to Chad who also laughed. He handed it to me and my Mom and it read, "I'm a boy!" There was a little shock, but we were all thrilled. Another boy will fit perfectly into our crowd. A girl would have also... but we'll just have to wait a little while longer for her. Who knows, maybe she'll come from us! :) One can hope!

We can't wait for little Gryn(n) (they aren't positive on the spelling yet) Titus Baker to join our family around mid September. I have already bought him a little shirt that says, "My Aunt Rocks." So at least we know he'll have some stylish clothing. :) Love you Beth and Chad and we are so happy for you guys!


Beth and Chad said...

Thanks for this post, it's really detailed and very sweet. I think I'll put a link to your blog so that people can read this story from your post, especially since I am not a story teller. I leave out details- just ask Chad. Now it's your turn to have a little one :)

Hayley Winslow said...

Thanks for getting him a shirt that tells all about me. So sweet of you! JK

Ryan and Mandi said...

No problem Beth... I do what I can. :)

hahaha.. keep dreaming Hayley! :)