Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Few Random Things

So there have been a few things that normally I would have posted about, but since I'm catching up, I'll just do it all in one post. Not many pictures, just thoughts.


RSL season began!! We are lucky enough to have season tickets again this year. We have already been to some amazing games, sad games (like when Javier Morales was injured and is out of play until at least October), disappointing games and most recently extremely frustrating games. But we love our RSL and have really enjoyed seeing our guys play!


Nate graduated! My little brother (ok he's taller, but he's still my little brother) Nate graduated on May 24th! It was such a huge moment for him and I was so proud to be there to cheer him on! He has had a lot of difficulties to work through, but he has done so well and I am so proud of him. He is now living at home again and my boys couldn't be happier. In fact, Darek has found a new best friend! Anytime we're upstairs, he immediately is looking for Nate and wants to play with him. It's so great to have him back and I love him so very much!


Daycare ended for the summer. The nice thing about the majority of my daycare kids is that their parents were employed by the school district. So I get the summer off with my kids! It's happy and sad. My kids miss having the other kids around and I do too! But it's nice to sleep in (sometimes) and be able to go on vacations and such whenever I want to. I may have one little girl off and on throughout the summer, but other than that, it's truly summer vacation for me!


School ended. This has been such a bittersweet thing this year. Usually Alex has really looked forward to the summer and all the fun activities we are planning. We had a hard decision to make this year. Alex was offered a placement at West Bountiful Elementary in their spectrum program for next year. This has been very exciting, but terribly sad at the same time. We have come to love Adelaide Elementary and Alex has so many friends that he loves there. As parents we had to decide what would be best. This was one of those times I really didn't know what to choose. Ryan and I thought a long time about this and finally made the decision to move him. There were two main reasons behind our decision. The first was of course the education possibilities. We knew that if we didn't do it, 2 years from now we'd look back and regret not trying it. The second reason was due to the fact that we were planning on moving anyway. We were going to try our best to stay within Adelaides boundaries, but the chances of us being able to rent a home in our price range and get the size we wanted in the boundary was not good. Moving him to the spectrum program will give us a larger area (like all of davis school district) to look in. So the last day of school was really hard for Alex, knowing it would be his last day at Adelaide. Honestly it was really hard for me. I've been involved with the PTA these past years and gotten to know many parents and teachers. It will be hard to start over at another school. We have already been over to the school and walked around it so Alex could get a feel for it. He does love the huge soccer fields at the school, but he is still not thrilled about the idea. And I really don't blame him. I remember how hard it was to move and I hate that I will be doing that to him... and might have to do it another time after this. No matter what I want us to be settled where ever it is we will be by the time Alex reaches Junior High.


Even though changing schools has been on Alex's mind, we have been keeping him pretty busy. Right now he is involved in baseball (which he doing really well in) and he's doing a more competitive soccer this year, which means soccer practice during the summer. It has made life pretty busy, but it's been really nice at the same time. We're very excited because Darek will be old enough to play soccer this fall. We already have him signed up and cannot wait to see him play this fall. Cutest thing ever!!! We also have a lot of trips planned for the summer. We kind of get June off, but July is going to be fun! Darek will turn 3 on July 3rd and then we're off on our first camping trip of the summer July 5-7. We'll have about a week home and will head down to St. George July 15-18 to spend a long weekend with my sisters. While there, we'll be taking a day trip to the Grand Canyon! I've never been there before (sad, huh?) so we can't wait to get this experience! We'll be home for another week and then we're taking a nice, long trip to Yellowstone!!! This is another first for me! Ryan has been before, but I never have. We'll be leaving the 27 and not come back until the 1st of August! We are tent camping it the whole time and I truly can't tell you how excited I am for this trip. I know my boys will love it... we just have to figure out how to keep our tent warm at night. Any tips??? Then we're home another couple days and I'll take the boys on another campout from Aug 4-6. Then we get a few weeks home before our last camping trip the 17-19. WHEW!!! I love that this is an outdoors kind of summer! I think we'll just keep our tent and camping supplies in our van the whole summer!

Well that's about it. I know that more has happened that I have missed, but that kind of catches us up. I do have one more post to do about my wonderful trip to Park City with the girls. But that needs a post all on it's own. I will try to be a little better about my updates from here on out!

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