So I'm just minding my own business at work today, filling candy bowls and such. All of a sudden I hear this crash and the room shakes. My boss comes out of his office thinking I had fallen over or ran into a wall or something. We both ran into the back room of our office to find a car outside the window. Now you have to understand, our office is located a level below the parking lot as you'll see in the photos. A very sweet, but stupid old lady somehow jumped the curb in the parking lot, came down a little hill (somehow missing the trees) and ran smack into the building. My boss and I ran right outside when we saw her in the car. Luckily she was just fine. Can't quite say the same for our office. Here are some pictures....
This is from the outside, looking down at our window. Just rightof the window is where she hit.
This is from the parking lot. As you can see, she went right through missing the tree and lightpost.
This is from inside after the car was removed. As you can see, thewall is cracked and there are paint chips everywhere.
Sorry, this one is sideways. But you can see the car through the blinds.
So maybe my life is a little more exciting than I thought. Maybe there is hope for our blog!
Congratulations on your blog! Just make sure that you aren't the one in the car, and everything should be fine.
Sorry I'm "junk." It made me sign in with my Google account.
Yikes! Glad you're okay. Good to hear from you guys too :)
- Jenn
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