Friday, January 28, 2011

Mom and Dad Bucks

So a wonderful friend gave me a great idea for a rewards system. We've been trying to figure out what the best thing to is to do with Alex as far as allowance goes. I don't mind doing allowance, but it just hasn't worked out any time we've tried it. So the idea of "Mom bucks" or "Parent bucks" was presented. I found a website that lets you personalize real-looking money with your own picture and then print it out.

I like the fake money idea because it's a little easier to keep track of for me. And it's easier to give and take away. I now have to set a system out for how much Alex will earn for things he does right (doing chores, helping his brother, obeying consistently, etc.) and how much he'll lose for choosing poorly (talking back, not doing his homework, getting in trouble at school, etc.). That's kinda the hard part that I'll really have to think about. But I'm really loving the idea and am excited to get going on it. I will also have rewards (toys, eating out, movies, friends over, etc.) priced out so he'll have some great things to buy with his Parent bucks! I'll try to give an update from time to time with how it's working out.

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