Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Am I Doing???


I have been looking over all the activities that I have signed myself up for and am wondering if I've lost it a little. I don't know why I don't think my life is busy enough, but I've found that I have a very hard time saying no or turning someone down. Now I just want to lie down and cry a little. Part of me wants to come up with some amazing excuses to get out of some of the activities, but the other part can't wait to plan and have a great time when all of it is completed. So just to list out a few of the things I have coming up:

-5 part time day care kids
-Planning and scheduling the Stake Women's volleyball
-In charge of planning all the activities for Red Ribbon week at Alex's school.
-Alex's soccer practices and games
-Activity days with the 8-9 year old girls in the ward
-Volunteering at school
-Volunteering with the PTA activities

That's enough for now. I'm sure there are a few things I left out, but those are the bigger things I have going on right now. I need to really learn how to prioritize or I will not get anything done on time. Luckily I've done most of the planning for volleyball, so all is left it to show up every Thursday night to do score keeping and hopefully get to play a little too. I'm just in the beginning stages of Red Ribbon week. I'm really nervous about this one. I really don't know what I'm doing. Luckily I will be working with some more experienced Mom's. But I am excited and want to make this really fun.

And somehow during all of this and the other things we are doing on a daily basis we have Ryan's birthday (tomorrow), our 10th anniversary (22nd), my birthday (29th) and a new nephew that I will want to go visit all to fit into this month. Needless to say, it will be an amazing and exhausting month.

I just hope that I have enough energy to make it through all of this and still come out on the other side with a good attitude about all of it. :)

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